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Specialist Cataract, Oculoplastic, Lacrimal and Ophthalmic Surgeon
Mr Sohraab Yadav
Mr S Yadav (MBChB (Hons), BMedSci Neuroscience (Hons), FRCOphth) qualified as a doctor in 2010 having received a University scholarship, multiple awards and distinctions. He completed his ophthalmology training in the Northwest including advanced oculoplastics training and high volume cataract surgery. He has also undertaken an intense training fellowship in oculoplastic and orbital surgery at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. He has published many articles in respected journals covering a wide variety of ophthalmology subspecialties. He has also presented his research at several international conferences. He is an invited reviewer for a number of journals including the British Journal of Ophthalmology. Mr Yadav continuously reviews and audits his work to ensure he maintains a high professional standard.
In his practice, Mr Yadav is considered to be an expert in the treatment of all eye conditions, cataract surgery, oculoplastic surgery, lacrimal surgery and cosmetic eyelid surgery.
As well as his private work, Mr Yadav is a full-time consultant ophthalmologist specialising in cataract, oculoplastic and lacrimal surgery in the NHS. He is also director of emergency eye care services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust. He takes an active role in the training of medical students, junior doctors and allied professionals. In addition, he has taught cataract and oculoplastic surgery techniques to junior eye surgeons. For his extensive contributions to teaching and training, Mr Yadav has received the Trialogue award in 2023.
Clinical and academic roles
Director of Shropshire Urgent Eye Care
Shropshire Cataract Surgery Listing and Triaging Lead
Shropshire Skin Cancer MDT
Royal College of Ophthalmologists Regional College Tutor
Royal College of Ophthalmologists Surgical Skills Faculty
Medical Student Ophthalmology Elective Lead
Medical Student Ophthalmology SSC Organiser
Medical Student Ophthalmology Placement Supervisor
Foundation Doctors Educational Supervisor
Foundation Doctors Clinical Supervisor
Ophthalmology Trainee Doctors Clinical Supervisor
Reviewer for the British Journal of Ophthalmology

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