Watery Eyes
Watery eyes (also known as epiphora) is a condition where the eyes tear persistently or excessively. This condition can sometimes by managed medically but usually requires a referral to a specialist. Mr Yadav is a lacrimal surgeon who specialises in the drainage of tears from the eye. He will be be able to accurately diagnose and offer the best treatment options for you.

Why do eyes water?
In order for the eye to remain healthy, it must remain well hydrated. The lacrimal gland located under the upper eyelid makes most of our tears but this is aided by smaller glands found on the eyelids and surface of the eyeball. Each time we blink, the eyelid spreads the tears
over the surface of the eye and pumps excess tears through a duct that drains into your nose. This is why your nose runs when you cry.
What causes watery eyes?
Excessive watering may occur due to excess tear production or more commonly due to inadequate natural drainage. Typically the symptom of watering tends to be worse outdoors and often gets aggravated by cold and windy weather. Occasionally, watering can actually be the result of dry eyes when tear quality is poor and fails to adequately moisturise the eye.
Will it get better by itself?
In babies the condition can often improve by itself but in adults it usually requires treatment in the form of surgery.
How is watery eye treated?
Watery eyes are usually treated surgically by improving the drainage of the eye using various techniques. As an oculoplastic and lacrimal surgeon, Mr Yadav specialises in the function of the eyelids and the production and drainage of tears. He can fully assess your condition and offer any medical and surgical treatments that you may require. ​
Understanding the Causes of Watery Eyes: Shedding Light on Excessive Tearing
Watery eyes, also known as epiphora, can be a bothersome and sometimes embarrassing condition. It occurs when tears overflow from the eyes, leading to constant tearing and dampness. While tears play a crucial role in maintaining eye health, excessive tearing can be indicative of an underlying issue. In this article, we will explore the common causes of watery eyes, ranging from environmental factors to ocular conditions, enabling individuals to better understand and address this condition.
Environmental Factors:
External elements can trigger excessive tearing. Wind, smoke, allergens (such as pollen or pet dander), and irritants (like chemicals or fumes) can cause the eyes to produce more tears as a protective response. In such cases, watery eyes are a temporary reaction to the environmental stimulus and typically subside once the irritant is removed.
Allergic reactions, such as hay fever or seasonal allergies, can cause watery eyes. When exposed to allergens, the immune system releases histamines, which can lead to increased tear production. This excessive tearing is often accompanied by other symptoms like itching, redness, and sneezing.
Eye Irritation:
Eye irritation, whether due to foreign objects, contact lenses, or eye makeup, can trigger excessive tearing. Foreign objects, such as eyelashes, dust particles, or debris, can cause discomfort and stimulate the tear glands to produce more tears. Similarly, ill-fitting or dirty contact lenses, as well as certain eye cosmetics, can irritate the eyes, leading to watery eyes.
Dry Eyes:
While it may seem counterintuitive, dry eyes can paradoxically cause watery eyes. When the eyes are dry, the tear glands respond by producing a large volume of reflex tears to compensate for the lack of moisture. However, these reflex tears do not have the necessary composition to lubricate the eyes effectively, resulting in a cycle of excessive tearing and subsequent dryness.
Eye Infections:
Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye), can cause watery eyes. Infections can irritate the eyes and trigger an inflammatory response, leading to increased tear production. Alongside excessive tearing, other symptoms may include redness, discharge, and discomfort.
Blocked Tear Ducts:
Tears normally drain through small channels called tear ducts, which lead from the eye to the nasal cavity. If the tear ducts become partially or completely blocked due to injury, infection, or a structural abnormality, tears cannot drain properly, resulting in watery eyes. This condition is more common in infants, but it can also affect adults.
Eye Conditions:
Certain eye conditions, such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), corneal abrasions, or styes (infected eyelid glands), can lead to watery eyes. These conditions can disrupt the normal tear film and cause an imbalance in tear production and drainage, resulting in excessive tearing.
Watery eyes can be caused by various factors, ranging from temporary environmental triggers to underlying eye conditions. Identifying the root cause is essential in determining the appropriate treatment approach. If persistent or severe, it is advisable to consult an eye care professional for a thorough examination and diagnosis. Treatment options may include managing allergies, addressing eye irritation, lubricating dry eyes, treating infections, or addressing structural abnormalities. By understanding the causes and seeking appropriate care, individuals can find relief from excessive tearing and maintain optimal eye health.
Managing Watery Eyes: Effective Treatment Strategies for Excessive Tearing
Watery eyes, also known as epiphora, can be a frustrating and discomforting condition that affects individuals of all ages. Excessive tearing can interfere with daily activities and impact overall eye comfort. Fortunately, numerous treatment options are available to manage and alleviate watery eyes. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for treating watery eyes, ranging from simple self-care practices to advanced medical interventions, helping individuals find relief and restore normal tear production.
Identify and Address Underlying Causes:
Before initiating treatment, it is crucial to determine the underlying cause of watery eyes. This requires a thorough examination by an eye care professional. Identifying and addressing factors such as allergies, dry eyes, eye infections, or blocked tear ducts will help guide the most appropriate treatment approach.
Artificial Tears and Lubricating Eye Drops:
In cases where watery eyes are caused by dry eye syndrome, artificial tears and lubricating eye drops can provide relief. These over-the-counter products help replenish moisture, improve tear film stability, and alleviate ocular discomfort. It is advisable to choose preservative-free options and follow the recommended frequency of use.
Warm Compresses and Eyelid Hygiene:
If watery eyes are a result of eyelid inflammation, such as blepharitis, warm compresses can help reduce inflammation and improve tear quality. Applying a warm compress to the closed eyelids for a few minutes several times a day can soften any crusts or debris and unclog blocked oil glands. Additionally, practicing good eyelid hygiene, such as using a gentle cleanser or eyelid wipes, can help manage inflammation and enhance tear production.
Allergy Management:
For individuals whose watery eyes are triggered by allergies, effective allergy management is crucial. Avoiding known allergens whenever possible and using over-the-counter or prescription antihistamine eye drops can help reduce excessive tearing and associated symptoms. Consultation with an allergist may be beneficial for identifying specific allergens and developing a comprehensive allergy management plan.
In some cases, oral or topical medications may be prescribed to manage watery eyes caused by underlying conditions. These medications can target specific causes such as allergies, infections, or inflammation. Antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, or corticosteroids may be prescribed depending on the individual's needs and the severity of the condition.
Tear Duct Procedures:
If blocked tear ducts are the underlying cause of watery eyes, various procedures can help restore proper tear drainage. Probing and irrigation, where a tiny probe is inserted into the tear duct to clear blockages, is a common procedure for infants and children. In adults, dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) may be performed, involving the creation of a new tear drainage pathway to bypass the blocked tear duct.
Surgical Interventions:
In cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, surgical interventions may be considered. This includes options such as punctal occlusion, where the tear drainage openings are partially or completely closed to reduce tear outflow, or eyelid repositioning surgery to correct eyelid abnormalities that cause excessive tearing.
Watery eyes can be effectively managed and treated by addressing the underlying causes and implementing appropriate treatment strategies. Whether through artificial tears, warm compresses, allergy management, medications, tear duct procedures, or surgical interventions, relief is attainable for individuals suffering from excessive tearing. Consulting with an eye care professional is essential for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment planning. By following the recommended treatment approach, individuals can find relief, improve eye comfort, and regain a normal tear production balance.